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In and around Hamburg

Our service offer

hvv on track

Logo U, S, A, R

4 U-Bahn, 6 S-Bahn and 20 regional rail lines as well as 3 AKN lines provide fast, direct direct links throughout the Hamburg region (521.86 KB)  independent of road conditions within the Hamburg region.

U- and S-Bahn lines run all through the night before the weekend and before public holidays. In some cases, the regional rail services run night trains at the weekend. At the same times there is additionally a network of bus services consisting of many MetroBus and some city and regional bus lines which connect with the rapid transit stations.

Some buses are more equal than others


bus-21 (1)

The network within the network – 32  MetroBus lines (329.90 KB)  represent fast,  frequent and reliable links to other services. The MetroBus lines provide a direct  service into the city centre and to district centres as well as cross-links outside the centre.  



Get there faster – without paying extra: the 20  Xpress bus lines (376.46 KB)  make it possible! They provide fast  links to major public transport interchanges or important destinations with only a few stops on the way. The Xpress buses can be identified by the X before a single or double-digit line number.

City and regional buses

regionalbus-4148 (1)

City and regional buses have a three-digit number, or in some outlying regions four digits.

Night buses

nachtbus-601 (1)

U- and S-Bahn lines as well as many MetroBus and city bus lines run all through the nights before the weekend and before public holidays. These services are supplemented both at weekend and before public holiday by night bus lines, which serve mainly outlying districts and towns and villages in the surrounding region. Night buses always have a three-digit number starting from 600.

Harbour ferries

faehre-73 (1)

ferry lines (1.57 MB) run in the port of Hamburg and across the River Elbe. These have a double-digit number starting with 61. That means you can “put to sea” with your ticket!
And by the way: if you want to take a boat trip on the Elbe or Alster just for fun, Hadag and Alster Touristik also offer a wide range of pleasure trips, also for groups, and sightseeing tours (information in German). The hvv ticket is not valid for these, however.

Complementary mobility

The hvv is currently in the process of transforming itself into a mobility network combining existing classical public transport and individual mobility offers from third-party providers. The sharing products or on-demand services are a valuable addition to the mobility revolution (in German).

Mobility on call

hvv is growing into an interlinked mobility network (in German) linking existing classic public transport services and individual on-demand mobility services.

hvv hop


The on-demand service hvv hop (in German) is an integral part of the hvv services in: 

  • Brunsbek/Trittau/Braak/Siek, Kreis Stormarn
  • Henstedt-Ulzburg, Kreis Segeberg
  • Harburg


elbMOBIL-Logo - Verkehrsangebot

elbMOBIL (in German) offers flexible, individual on-call mobility via an App in the Elbmarsch/Süderelbe region and in the town of Winsen.

Dial-a-ride taxis (Anruf-Sammel-Taxi / -Mobil / RufBus)


You can access flexible mobility through dial-a-ride taxis or minibuses with Anruf-Sammel-Taxi (AST), Anruf-Sammel-Mobil (ASM) and RufBus in certain areas and at certain times in the regions surrounding Hamburg.

In Bergedorf, AST runs to the Vier- und Marschlande at certain times:

  • Departure times from Bf. Bergedorf: 22.10, 23.10, 0.10, 1.10 and 2.10, Sat. and Sun. also 3.10, 4.10 and 5.10
  • Departure times to Bf. Bergedorf from any bus stop in Zone 1: 22.50, 23.50 and 0.50
  • Departure times to Bf. Bergedorf from any bus stop in Zone 2: 22.40, 23.40 and 0.40

And this is how it works: Just call vhh.mobility under Tel. 040/721 18 80 1 hour before you want to travel and give the time you want to leave, your destination and the number of people travelling. Alternatively, you can use the hvv AST App (in German). 


Zone 1

Zone 2

Zone 3

Single fares

3.00 €

4.20 €

1.40 €

Surcharge with a

hvv season ticket

1.90 €

3.00 €

1.40 €

*The departure times may be slightly delayed depending on how many people want to travel. No services will run in the night between 24 and 25 December and 31 December and 1 January.

Kreis Pinneberg
In Kreis Pinneberg, several AST dial-a-ride minibus services are available outside school attendance times and at weekends. You can find up-to-date information in our Timetable Info.

Kreis Segeberg 
Several AST dial-a-ride minibus services are available in Kreis Segeberg. You can find up-to-date information in our Timetable Info.

Many dial-a-ride minibus services are available in Kreis Stormarn. You can find up-to-date information in our Timetable Info.

In Kreis Herzogtum Lauenburg many dial-a-ride minibus services are available. You can find up-to-date information in our Timetable Info.

Stadt and Landkreis Lüneburg / Amt Neuhaus 
In Landkreis Lüneburg as well as in Amt Neuhaus Mein RufMobil (in German) is available in addition to the regular bus services.

The AST dial-a-ride minibus service is available in the whole of Landkreis Stade as an addition to the regular bus services, an attractive public transport option  (in German). Holders of hvv season tickets get reduced prices.  

An on-call RufBus is available in the region around Zarrentin and Gudow. You can find more information in our Timetable Info.